Gluten Free & Keto Friendly

Breads & Delights in Dubai

Our local brand in Dubai brings a new twist to sweets and bread, ensuring a healthier gut. Enjoy our natural, preservative-free gluten-free banana bread and bites, vegan and keto friendly bread, all refined sugar-free.

9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Working Hours

Savor wellness in every bite

Vision & Mission

To be the go-to source for the most delicious, nutritious, and joyful snacks, bread and bites that promotes gut health, catering to different dietary needs and all ages within our community.

At our core, we are fueled by a passion for crafting snacks and bread using the finest natural ingredients, delighting taste buds while nourishing bodies. Through this, we aim to empower the communities we serve to make healthier snack choices, fostering a culture of vitality and enjoyment in every bite.

Who we are

Gluten free & keto friendly bites

All our treats and breads are natural, with no added preservatives. They are gluten free and refined sugar-free.

Gluten Free
Plant Based Available
Refined Sugar Free
100% Natrual
No Preservatives

Customers review

Hey! I absolutely loved your heal bread from ripe market 5 am l able to see a full menu of what you can do? I'd love to order some more x
Hi Noomie Eats! We met you at Ripe market two weeks ago, and some of your recipes have been a real hit with my kids! I’d love to order more carrot and chia seed cookies as well as your banana cake.
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Our Experts

Meet Our Team

Martin Swan
Lisa Jones
Mat Smit

Choose Your Taste

They are so delicious and sweet … It won’t be easy to choose!


These brownie bites are the bomb! That’s why they are called BrownieBombs. Deliciously chocolaty with a delightful hazelnut crunch


Indulge in guilt-free sweetness with MatchaPistacha bites. A delightful blend of health and flavor that’ll satisfy your cravings without compromising your wellbeing! 


Noomi Bites’ “OmegaPower,” named for being crafted from walnuts and flaxseeds, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These bites are sweetened by dates and flavored with the delightful essence of cardamom.


SavorHalawa, a nostalgic flavor with a twist, is crafted from simple and healthy ingredients such as dates, sesame paste, and a hint of Himalayan salt, transformed into Noomi bites for you to enjoy.

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How to use chia seeds for weight loss
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Introduction to Chia Seeds Chia seeds, often hailed as a superfood within health and wellness circles, have garnered significant attention for their robust nutritional profile and potential health benefits. These tiny, mottled seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant are not only rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, and antioxidants but also minerals such as […]


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Silvia Stone
Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum luctus justo sed nibh interdum, nec mollis sem convallis. Sed placerat sem ante, ut aliquam mauris lacinia ac. Praesent in diam eros.
Justin Fisher
Mauris iaculis erat eu libero scelerisque, vel consequat justo varius. Duis dapibus leo tempus lectus tempor, id ullamcorper lacus dignissim.
Lila Anderson
Donec sodales metus arcu. Vestibulum lobortis, sem malesuada pulvinar mollis, justo tortor porta massa, et posuere leo tortor at felis. Sed placerat auctor felis ac rhoncus.
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